
Friday, July 29, 2011

wk 4 response to Melissa M

original post:

The idea of “enrollment” and the steps:
1. Imagine that people are an invitation for enrollment.
2. Stand ready to participate, ready to be moved and inspired.
3. Offer that which lights you up.
4. Have no doubt that others are eager to catch the spark.
Zander, B, & Zander, R.S. (2000).
Are really are just saying be an active participant in your ideas. When you decide to be a part of something whether it’s a job, school, or a relationship you have to be “enrolled” or in other words “be in it to win it!” You have to be ready to participate in what ever it takes to make it a success. You have to be ready to go to work and do your best. You have to do the homework or reading assignments to get the grade. You have to cook dinner, cut the grass, or whatever it is that will support your spouse. You have to give your light or translated your best. Be willing to share your gifts and talents, do a little extra to be supportive or take over in the area your spouse is lacking. Do something romantic or loving to make their spouse’s bad day better. You have to be faithful in your talent, goals, and commitments. When you decide to be a part of something, you go all out. You use what skills you have to work hard. You have to believe in yourself and ready to respond to any task or obstacle in front of you. Give your best efforts and talent to be successful. Finally, believe in yourself and the light you shine will engage others around you.

The framework of possibility is the vision to see what could be. You have to have a vision in your life of what is possible. I never envisioned going back to school again, but now the possibility of graduating is so close. Visualizing a better life because of this degree affects all aspects of my life. I expect the best of myself as I do my students. I put in the work to get the desired grades and outcome. Now that graduation is at hand, just visualizing teaching has changed. I now think about the possibility of even changing jobs to utilize this new degree. Even when you visualize something, in the middle of the process the vision can change due to circumstances that affect other things. It’s the spiral effect, as one thing can be depended upon another.

A year ago I couldn’t visualize the relationship I am in. Now I can’t imagine any other life without my other half. People are in relationships for different reasons. We all have expectations from our boyfriends or girlfriends. I never visualized the things I would do for my boyfriend along the way. Being supportive of his job and the travel he has to participate in. Planning and adjusting schedules because we are both in graduate school and need time to accomplish our tasks. When I first visualize the relationship, I thought about the dates, holding hands, kisses, and phone calls. I didn’t anticipate the 4:00AM drives down the highway, helping to complete paperwork, or the amount of love and support I was willing to give freely of myself. The vision is not always your reality but in order to have the opportunity you have to see yourself in it….visualize the possibility of sharing your life with someone, giving and receiving love.

my response:
Kelly Baker said...
Your post reminds me of a quote i heard before. I don't remember who said it but it goes something like this: "If you think you can or can't, you are right." visualizing the possibility eventually leads you to believe it and then to achieve it.

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